Annual Blog Challenge 2018

Nancy of Nancy’s Point has unveiled her questions for her latest blog challenge (in the past she’s asked us to list 15 random facts and other such things, see here, here, and here).

2018 Summer Blogging Challenge Questions! 

(Boldface = Nancy’s questions, my answers follow…)

How long have you been blogging (or reading blogs)?

I started posting a few frustrated ravings in the summer of 2012 (I completed treatment in January 2012, quit my 9 to 5 a couple of weeks later). My first “real” blog here in this spot appeared November 2012.

How has your blog changed?

I write and therefore post much less since 2016. A number of factors contribute to this: I’m more involved in political activism, and well, it is rare an issue comes up (when I DO tune in to breast cancer social media) that I haven’t already written about. Why repeat myself? I’m pretty frustrated at culture’s lack of ability to progress and evolve. I understand part of this is because newly diagnosed patients are all new to this—I remember I didn’t like the pink ribbon crap prior to my own DX, but I didn’t realize all that was wrong with it until then. I’m sure I said what had already been said many times before.

What is your biggest blogging challenge/frustration?

To quote Nancy: time. Oh and spoons—I’m just too anxiety ridden lately and it fatigues me. All I can do when I finally sit down at night is watch cat videos—it’s all I’m emotionally equipped to handle most days.

What is your favorite post that you’ve written (or read)?

My personal favorite, the one I most re-share is “Did You?”

What are your goals for your blog? (Why do you read blogs?)

Venting, therapy for myself—at first. Then I realized others out there felt the same way, so my goal became community, and a source for those who come behind me to see they are not alone (see 2). Definitely NOT advice, I am sooooo unqualified. 

How many blogs do you read on a regular basis?

Not many lately. Not enough. 

How do you determine what to share and what not to share; in other words, do you have blog boundaries? (or comment boundaries)

At first I let it all hang out there, or so I thought. I’m sure I kept some things back subconsciously. I’m more likely to have stricter boundaries these days due to nature of social media-every opinion gets ripped and I get enough of that in political social media.

When things get hard, what keeps you blogging (or reading blogs)?

Well, I haven’t been (see 2).

What is your biggest Cancer Land pet peeve today, right now, this minute?

The lack of evolution and progress (again, see 2). The big charities and foundations just keep doing the same races, marketing, messaging in spite of repeated attempts to explain how they are problematic.  See “Symbols Are Stagnant Institutions, Not Solutions, Nancy G. Brinker

What one piece of advice would you offer to a new blogger?

My advice is crap.

Share something most people do not know about you. A secret sort of thing.

I hate talking on the phone because I assume the other person is making bored faces.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Spare time?! Ha! Well, I will select a special show to actually binge and pay attention to at times. I’m re-watching “The Americans” because it challenged me. I used to be such a film geek, but these days the only thing I will actually spend money at a theater on is a Marvel Avengers thing—just for the visual impact. Quiet indie films I used to prefer can be done via streaming at home to save money. I used to read, but…..I fall asleep when I sit, and listen to podcasts all day. I do try to re-listen to my fave all time book (“To Kill A Mockingbird”, of course) each summer, but I think I’ll miss out this year.


I keep saying I’ll get back to writing blog posts and keep not doing it. I do have 2 rants in my head that maybe I can get done. And #BreastCancerRealityCheck is in the works too. And possibly another thing. I swear! I WILL try to keep in the community.